Teacher Barely Recovers After Contracting Minor Case Of Authority
The Illness Of Power
My university let grad students teach its young. I was one of these grad students, and they paid us actual money for what we did. The class was English 101, hospice care for creativity.
Some of us had never taught before, never wanted to teach, and we all made mistakes. I won’t say “rookie mistakes,” because not all of them were. Some of them were plain old mistake-mistakes, like this one (and the next one, and the next one, and the next one):
This teacher got carried away talking about compound sentences probably, and she started making sex jokes. She even acted out some of the moves using the big desk.
Students reported her and she had to apologize to them. It must have been confusing to see the big desk in question suddenly used as a platform of repentance. “My fellow Americans, I shall never again use this sexiest desk in America sexily.”
But what can you do, ban all big desks?
For this teacher? Yes.
Another teacher got in trouble for his behavior during a student-teacher conference in his office.